City Hall is open for walk-in service. Masks must be worn at all times. 

Parks & Recreation


Parks and Facilities


City Parks

The City of Johnson City offers for your enjoyment the following recreational places:

City Park and Building:

Park Building/Event Center:
Available for private or commercial use; contact City Hall (830) 868-7111 for rates and reservations.

Swimming Pool:
Seasonal Schedule: Open Tuesday-Sunday 12-6:30. Closed Mondays.

Baseball/Softball Field/Concession Stand:
Contact City Hall (830) 868-7111 for rates and reservations.

City Park Pavilion:
The Pavilion is available for private use; contact City Hall (830) 868-7111 for rates and reservations.

Skate Park:
Open everyday, no reservations required. However, lighting at night is minimal, so night time skating is discouraged.

Hiking Trail:

The hiking trail runs through out the town and connects the LBJ National Park to the Community Park. This trail is safe for walking, running and bike riding. The trail also has exercise stops along the way and is lit at night.

Memorial Park:

Small park located on the corner of US 290 and Avenue G. The park has picnic tables, restroom facilities and a small pavilion. During the Lights Spectacular festivities each December, the park is also lit with many Christmas Lights. This park is available for private rental for festivals, events, and parties. Please contact City Hall at (830) 868-7111 for more information.

We also offer scattered events throughout the year. Please refer back to our events page for upcoming events.

Special Events in Johnson City

  1. An event permit shall be required for each event occurring on a public street, public facility, or public property, including city parks, in the City.
  2. A person or organization promoting or sponsoring an event involving the proposed use of a public street, public facility, or public property, including city parks, shall apply for and obtain a permit for such activity from the City.

Exceptions. This section shall not apply to:

  1. funeral processions; or
  2. a government agency, including the City or Blanco County, acting within the scope of its function, provided such government agency has submitted advance notice of the event to the City; or an event of which the City or Blanco County (provided advance notice of the county event is given to the City) is a sponsor.


Process for Obtaining a Special Event Permit 

  1. An Applicant shall submit a permit application and a permit application fee as established by the City for each event.


  1. A permit application must be submitted to the City Secretary not less than 30 days prior to the proposed date of the event. Where good cause is shown, applications after the deadline may be considered.


  1. A permit application for an event for which the primary purpose is to express free speech rights may be submitted not less than five days before the proposed event date.


  1. For a repeat event, only one permit application and fee as established by the City for repeat events are required to be submitted. On issuance, a permit shall be valid through the end of the calendar year, December 31st.


  1. Decision on approval or denial of a permit shall be issued within 15 business days of receipt of the permit application.

Application Requirements.

  1. A permit application form must include the following:
    1. name and address of the Applicant and/or Sponsor of the event;
    2. date(s) and time(s) of the event;
    3. location of the event;
  2. whether the event is to be a repeat event;
  3. for a parade, description of the parade route;
  4. for a parade, number of floats, if applicable;
  5. size and location of performance stages, booths, tents and other temporary structures or shelters, if applicable;
  6. location of the staging area and/or ending area, if applicable;
  7. name and address of the owner of the location of the staging or ending area to be used, along with a letter from the owner of such site indicating permission to use the location, as well as a statement describing terms and conditions of the agreement to use the location;
  8. request for street closure (if applicable) for City Council approval;
  9. description of planned activities;
  • estimated number of participants;
  • plan for crowd safety;
  • plan for security;

10.description of proposed traffic control;

  • proof of general liability insurance;
  • payment of application fee; and
  • signature of Applicant or Sponsor.
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